Friday 21 December 2012

Training And Development

Training And Development Details
Dwayne “Dero” De Rosario, over his career has grown as an ambassador for building youth soccer in his home city of Toronto. With a family firmly entrenched in one of North Americas most progressive soccer markets, many of Dwayne’s life’s success’ he attributes to his growth through youth Soccer.
He concedes that “soccer was the foundation for building his character”. It taught him the power of being persistent, and committed him to healthy living.
The time to build , inspire, and educate the next generation has been perpetual in the De Rosario house hold . The Dero united program was formed in 2007 as a template to foster this cause. Dwayne has supported organizations that speak to his beliefs including Senequip, FoodShare and Nothing but Nets.
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
Training And Development
                Training And Development       
  Training And Development